Tuesday, December 2, 2008


In light of recent happenings... Lets have a one way discussion on the concept of being free...

I do this in respect of the end of high-school for many... Some of which I honestly care about....

The thought of going to school... and SPM being the dreaded part of it all... the single examination that determines what happens for you in life.... that  partly decides how what life has for you from that point forth...

Everyone looks forward to the end of that last paper in an examination schedule that spans for at least a months time... Eagerly awaiting the coming of that last paper... you plot and devise plans on what and how to proceed directly after that single point in the space-time continuum... with the  belief that salvation comes directly after that last paper...

On a personal account... what happened to me directly after SPM was that Marvin, Hasan and I decided to take the train to KLCC... we all went to Starbucks... had a venti frapucinno  each... the only thing we could say to each other was... Now What? God knows what Hasan did prior to completing SPM... but Marin and I got involved with The Illusion and after that I proceeded to working in an Apple Store in Pavilion, Bukit Bintang, and then I was shipped out for NS.

Fact of the matter is SPM is the only thing - Malaysia having an exam-oriented education system - that gave your high-school life substantial purpose... it was the sole reason that drove you to the the things you do... be it directly or indirectly... mainly because of the magnitude in which it carried for many... we all want to climd the societal ladder which dictates our lives...

So when you take SPM away... the single aspect in which gave 5 years of your life reason and meaning... a silly examination which you put your best foot forward for, that silly examination in which you placed a goal... this goal is what we consider to be a short-term goal in within a bigger plan... a mechanism to which we must go through in order to further ourselves... and once you take this away... once you walk past that point...

A feeling of emptiness subsides within yourself...

Now what?

Is this what you’ve been waiting for?

Rule No. 4 :  Dress well, dine fine, live moderately

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