Saturday, November 29, 2008

Of Employment and Not Doing Aything

I am employed...

Once more...

Yes  I do indeed have a phobia of not being able to do anything... I must do something.... even f i were to stay at home... I’d either be on WoW raiding, or trying to long on to WoW seeing as how the queue borders on insanity.... There was this once, I actualy had to wait for a whole hour to log on... Currently in conflict... should I continue to level my mage or do I instead opt to run about Azeroth with the Death Knight which renders everyone else F.U.B.A.R.

Back to being at work... One more employed at EpiCentre Pavilion, so lemme know if anyone needs any goods from Apple... Gimme a ring... I’m off now... gotta start busying myself with attempting to look busy... See you soon

Rule No. 3 : Never go anywhere without a pen

1 comment:

Noel St Augustine Meldan said...

Dah Lah Tuh.

U Got Tagged,PiBaca Post Blog AKu.

Cold Platipus Out~!