Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Walking By...

The one glaring difference when one compares Varsity with the years they spent in high school is the freedom one gets…

Trust me, the uniforms that you put on every morning as you prepare yourself for another day in school doesn’t make that big a difference… I mean seriously, freedom of expression? Article 19 Universal Declaration of Human Rights? I’ve actually been in debates over uniforms, and it is absolutely pointless. What you have on you does not matter, so long as you pay attention in class and understand what you’re supposed to. Forget uniforms… Do what you’re supposed to do, and do it right… and this is coming from the guy who wears his tracks and a plain white t-shirt to class with uncombed hair… but damn I looked good :P

So basically being in a University means that you manage your own time, nobody tells you what to do, and also the fact that you can skip classes as you please (just be prepared to face the music when you mess up)

Went to an audition for a role in a theatre performance, which was bad mainly cause the medium is in Malay, and we all know how well versed I am with the language. Met lots of nice people though… that always makes the day…

I will also be on my mid-semester break from the 15th to the 23rd of August… hope to see you lot soon…

Is A God Amongst Men

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