This is the post many have been waiting for… my bloody SPM results eh???
So ya, I scored an 8 outta 12 A’s which in my opinion kicked ass seeing as how much fooling around I did last year :P and that for some reason convinced my parents that they ought to reward me... so yes, I somehow convinced them to buy me a laptop... and I convinced them to get me a MacBook...
Politically correct answer :Its a powerful machine and i just love OS X
The real answer is : Its sleek and shiny... I like... (now I sound like Jean :P)
I have decided to not help the drama team with any script preparation this year… The politically correct answer for me to give is that its meant to be a ground for students to learn how to express themselves through theatre but we all know that’s just bullshit… the main reason is that I just couldn’t care less about the “English Department” I would have had no qualms about helping them if Miss Ellina was still teacher advisor… but with new people in it and someone sarcastically commenting “we’ll start early this year” so gentlemen and ladies… being the sadistic man that I can be at times I’m just gonna leave them be and see how far they go… and yes, my over-creative imagination will not be put to good use for the Saint John’s Institution Drama Team this year, but that does not mean that I won’t be writing… I shall continue to write… I’m just not gonna do anything for the team this year… I shall go through the script I was sent and maybe write a review on it… but I shall NOT edit it…
That would be a rather accurate at how I reacted after I watched Gossip Girl… But yes… I do not believe how she convinced me into watching that kinda crap… seriously…. I SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE THE TALENT OR ABILITY TO TURN MY BRAIN OFF… How do you people watch that crap… I mean seriously… I have absolutely no tolerance towards really crappy movies/television series
Moving on…. I went to catch Uncut Untitled Paper House which in my personal opinion is retardedly awesome… oh ya… I went for it twice… during the opening night and the third night… and it was definitely worth it… special thanks to Johann for giving me complimentary ickets for the opening night :P
I’m leaving for NS on Tuesday… and my bags are indeed packed… and my room, for the first time in many years, looks retarded-ly clean…
And you wouldn’t believe what happened today… Jean’s reaction was simply
I was wearing a pink polo t-shirt =P
Me : Oh my god? I half expected you to swear
Jean : excuse me…
Me : well you’ve never seen me wear any other colour than black so…
Jean : Black is not a colour Izzat
Me : if you want to get technical about it
Jean : technical? That’s not being technical… it’s as it is…
(and our randomness goes on)
Why you ask? Simply because I can
Had this conversation with a certain someone ;) and it went like
“You only know like a quarter of the things to know about me”
and you know what I think
Well lets just take our time now shouldn’t we… I mean seriously… whats the rush… worst case scenario is that I drop dead all of a sudden… and I really don’t plan on doing anything like that anytime soon
You see being the genius I am I formulate theories and yes here goes mine
I do believe that the longer we take the greater the pleasure at the end of the day… lets take sex as an example…
You see the best part of making love/fornicating/fucking/humping/bonking call it what ever you want, but yes, is probably the foreplay, the whole idea of foreplay is to get there… seriously, imagine getting into the bloody room and going straight to the sex… now where is the fun in that, we need foreplay, we need to get all excited before the big thing… so yes people, take all the time you need as you are doing something regardless… it is definitely more pleasurable/enjoyable that way…
So by all means… we shall take our time and not rush this walk we share that’ll only last for a lifetime